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They don't kno and I don't know. Who know's?

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Q: Was there African-Americans in the 109th congress?
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What congress convened January 4 2005?

109th Congress

The balance of power will remain the same or change?

i think it will change later on because of how the 109th congress is made up.

What is 2 to the 109th power?


The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was important because it allowed?

AfricanAmericans to gain equal rights

What is the 109th episode aired on The Amazing World of Gumball?

The Society

What is the 109th episode aired on Bear in the Big Blue House?

A Trip to the General Store

What is the 109th triangular number?

T109 = 109*(109+1)/2 = 5995

What is the name of NY Mayor?

The mayor of New York is Bill de Blasio and is the 109th mayor.

Where do you audition for the next star in Edmonton?

Mayfield Inn and Suites, 16615 - 109th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta

Where would you be able to find fresh fruit?

Patricia's BC Fruits, at the downtown farmers market on 109th : )

Which congressional committees is Barack Obama a member of?

Obama served as a Senator in the 109th and 110th congress of the Senate between January, 2005 and November, 2008. The Senate records show the following Committees he was a member of:Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (110th Congress) Subcommittee on Children and FamiliesSubcommittee on Employment and Workplace SafetyCommittee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (110th Congress) Subcommittee on InvestigationsSubcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International SecurityAd Hoc Subcommittee on State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and IntegrationUnited States Senate Committee on Veterans' AffairsCommittee on Environment and Public Works (109th Congress) Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear SafetySubcommittee on Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife ProtectionCommittee on Foreign RelationsSubcommittee on European Affairs (Chairman - 110th Congress)Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian AffairsSubcommittee on East Asian and Pacific AffairsSubcommittee on African AffairsSubcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection

Was B Brazy a True Blood?

yup, that dude was from 109th Denver Lane. He's tried and true. RIP homie.