yes the wind did change the battle because if the wind hadn't changed direction William wouldn't have been able to get over the English chanel and land in England where he wanted
heya the battle of the is google and type in battle of hastings
The battle of hastings was in a town called battle (which was not named battle until after the battle of hastings) it was in the middle of knowwere and it was about 10km from a town called hastings.
on the day of battle of hastings thaere was a BATTLE :/
Hastings. The actual battle took place about 10 km nw of Hastings.
Hastings of course!
heya the battle of the is google and type in battle of hastings
The battle of hastings was in a town called battle (which was not named battle until after the battle of hastings) it was in the middle of knowwere and it was about 10km from a town called hastings.
on the day of battle of hastings thaere was a BATTLE :/
Hastings. The actual battle took place about 10 km nw of Hastings.
The month the Battle Of Hastings was in was October.
Hastings of course!
The battle of Hastings actually took place 6 miles away from Hastings.
the battle of hastings took place about seven miles away from hastings.
The battle of Hastings was neither a war or a campaign it was a Battle
because it was fought in a place called sussex but they thought they were fighting in Hastings.
The battle of Hastings, the battle of Forthford gates and the battle of Stamford Bridge.
the battle of hastings was about who wanted to be king.