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No they thought slavery was bad that's how the civil war started but in the 1800s there was slavery in the north and south.

The Union was anti-slavery.

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Q: Was the union for or against slavery and why?
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Were the south against slavery or were the union?

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He was against slavery, because he was on the union side. The union side was against slavery.

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William T. Sherman was against slavery because he was on the Union side. The Union side was against slavery. When the Confederate side was for slavery. So since Sherman's on the Union side, he was against it.

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Harriet Beecher Stowe was in the union!She was against slavery because shewrota a book called uncle toms cabin and it was against slavery.

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Who was the Union during the US Civil War?

The north, which was against slavery.

Who wont he Battle of Gettysburg?

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Why did the north to remain a union?

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