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Q: Was the tomb of the unknown soldier ever left unguarded?
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What left Egypt to attack from Kush?

the answer is unknown.

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The wall unknown on the first floor sais top right, lower left, top right, top left, top left, lower left. those are the ways to to get to the last floor then the last floor with the unknown on the wall it will say friendship, all lives touch outer lives to create something anew and alive. also in pearl and unknown make up the alphabet too.

In Europe and the Americas horses are generally mounted on the left side so as not to interfere with what item that a soldier might carry?

The item that a soldier might carry is their sword or saber, which is typically worn on the left side. By mounting the horse on the left, it ensures that the soldier can draw their weapon easily while mounted.

What left Egypt open to attack from Kush?

the answer is unknown.

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That number is Unkown

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The Ultimate Fighter - 2005 One Soldier Left 10-8 was released on: USA: 4 November 2009