The military threat grew out of the mutual ideological threat between the west and the east.
It posed a threat to Soviet military supremacy. With this combined threat the soviet government was forced to expand their own military force to keep pace with the combined powers of the NATO pact. This lead to huge portions of Russia's GDP being poured into military expense. This later crippled them when their purchases wore out and broke down. Now Russia's military force is but a fraction of its Soviet pinnacle.
In the eyes of the government of the Soviet Union, every nation that it couldn't influence or conquer was a threat. In fact the Soviet Union was a very real threat to every non-communist nation on the planet, and a real threat to Communist China.
the soviet union had a large portion of the earth in communism and formed a strong and weak alliance with china, and seized communism in Cuba near the U.S. and had a strong military and had many nukes as a threat to the world and was feared.
the answer is containment,which was simply not to have any battles with the soviet union but to simply stop them from enpanding and just stay at their borders stoping them were ever they found a gap through the defences of the u.s
Terrorism works by using violence or the threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in state.
To secure the resources in the Caucasus. Also to prevent the Soviet Union from being a military threat. Of course also the ideological aim of destroying Bolshevism.
It posed a threat to Soviet military supremacy. With this combined threat the soviet government was forced to expand their own military force to keep pace with the combined powers of the NATO pact. This lead to huge portions of Russia's GDP being poured into military expense. This later crippled them when their purchases wore out and broke down. Now Russia's military force is but a fraction of its Soviet pinnacle.
In the eyes of the government of the Soviet Union, every nation that it couldn't influence or conquer was a threat. In fact the Soviet Union was a very real threat to every non-communist nation on the planet, and a real threat to Communist China.
Truman's response to the Soviet Atomic Threat was to forge ahead with a new weapon to maintain America's nuclear superiority.
the soviet union had a large portion of the earth in communism and formed a strong and weak alliance with china, and seized communism in Cuba near the U.S. and had a strong military and had many nukes as a threat to the world and was feared.
the answer is containment,which was simply not to have any battles with the soviet union but to simply stop them from enpanding and just stay at their borders stoping them were ever they found a gap through the defences of the u.s
Terrorism works by using violence or the threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in state.
Nasal passages. Pores (such as tear ducts) Pores in exposed skin.
If anything Dwight Eisenhower believed the Soviet threat was immense. Harry Truman did not believe they could create a significant threat so soon after being devastated in World War II.
The Rosenberg trial. The Rosenberg's were charged and convicted of giving the Soviet Union secret military information. They were executed for this crime.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded to provide a coordinated military strategy to deal with the perceived threat from the USSR. The Soviet response to this was to create the Warsaw Pact: a military alliance of Russia and its communist Eastern European satellite states.