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Q: Was the moon full on December 16 1773?
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When did the Boston Tea Party ended?

december 16 1773 i think it is, lol

What month and day did the Boston Tea party occur?

Thursday, December 16, 1773. It happened at the Boston Harbor, on Griffin's Wharf.

What happened in December 16th 1773?

The Boston Tea Party occurred on December 16, 1773.

When the Bostons tea party was made?

It WaS Made On Decamber 16, 1773

When was the tea dumped in the Boston harbor?

December 16 1773. It was a Tuesday. The incident was called, The Boston tea party.

When did the Boston Tea Party start?

I think it started in 1773.

What day of the week was December the 16th1773?

December 16 1773 was a Thursday.

What are the dates of the Tea Act?

December 16, 1773

When was the Boston tea massacre?

December 16, 1773.

What moon phase was on December 16 1996?

On December 16, 1996, the moon phase was a waxing gibbous. This means that the moon was increasing in illumination but wasn't quite yet full.

What date was the Boston Tea Party?

December 16, 1773

Date of the Boston Tea Party?

December 16, 1773