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No, even though it was thought to be a contributing factor it is not the main reason. At the time much of Germany thought they were the superior race and that the Jews were inferior. Just like racist opinions against blacks today except to a higher degree. Although there is no obvious reason for Hitlers hatred toward Jews he had actually wanted to be an artist but was rejected from the same art school 3 times. The school was in fact run by Jews and many people believe that constant rejection from Jews his entire life is what may have caused Hitler to begin the Holocaust.

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Q: Was the holocaust the result of the failures of the treaty of Versailles to create a stable peace after World War 1?
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What were the results of Hitler's rule?

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The Holocaust was the result of a modern world dealing with medieval issues. Is one example.

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No. The Holocaust took place during World War 2, under the cloak of the war, as it were.

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