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The squirrel fur was vair.


As well as Vair, it was also known as


Valuable fur from the belly of the European grey squirrel used to trim and line the clothes of European royalty and nobility. Best quality furs were imported from Finland and Sweden, where the consistency colder climate produced the most luxuriant and durable pelts.

Later, fashion changed to the fur of these different animals


The winter coats of stoats with the black tips of the tails sewn on the white pelts in a regular pattern. It was probably first imported from areas of eastern Europe having very cold winters with permanent snow, which was necessary for the stoat to turn white. It was very expensive and quickly became a status symbol of medieval rulers and nobility. It is still used on the coronation robes of English peers.


The grey fur of the marten; second only in value to ermine or sable; worn by members of the well-to-do middle class.

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Q: Was the fur of Russian squirrels used on the trim of robes in the Middle Ages?
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