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Neutral: Neither Iran nor Iraq lost territory during the Iran/Iraq War (1980-1988).

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Q: Was the effect of the Persian Gulf War negative or positive?
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Who did the gulf war effect?

Just "oil tanker traffic" thru the Persian Gulf.

What is the Persian gulf war oil effect?

he is try to win her heart

How did the Persian Gulf War affect the environment of the Persian Gulf area?

The Persian Gulf War's primary effect on the environment is that when the Iraqi Army retreated from Kuwait, they set the oil wells on fire. This caused an incredible amount of black smoke and poisonous chemicals to be released into the Kuwaiti atmosphere. In addition, there are the typical negative environmental results of war such as mines, explosions, trampling, and accidental/intentional killing of wildlife.

What is the name of the gulf that is southeast Iraq?

The gulf southeast of Iraq is the Persian Gulf.

Country on Persian gulf?

Iran is a country on the Persian Gulf.

What is a country on the Persian Gulf?

Kuwait is a country in the Persian Gulf

What sea surrounds Iraq?

The Persian Gulf

What is the smallest country in the persian gulf?

Bahrain is an island country in the Persian Gulf and the smallest country in the Persian Gulf area.

What is another name for the Persian Gulf?

The other name for the Persian Gulf is the Arabian Gulf

Does the Sinai peninsula separate the Persian Gulf from the Gulf of Oman?

NO, the Sinai Peninsula is far to the west of Persian Gulf. It is the Omani Peninsula which separates the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

Why are gulf countries are so named?

The gulf countries line the Persian Gulf; their name comes from the Persian Gulf.

What body of waters border Iraq?

The only body of water that borders Iraq is the Persian Gulf.