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The battle of the Alamo was not worth fighting for because many people died

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Q: Was the battle of the Alamo worth fighting?
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What was Davy Crockett's accomplishments?

his birth,death, and the battle of the alamo

What defeat angered the Texans motivating them to continue fighting Mexico?

The Battle of The Alamo

Who was at the battle of the Alamo who was in the Alamo?

The Battle of the Alamo was fought in 1836. This was a battle between the Republic of Texas and Mexico. Santa Anna led the Mexican forces. William Travis and James Bowie led the Texans. Davy Crockett is another famous person fighting on the side of Texas.

What was the name of an important battle in Texas?

The Battle of the Alamo, the birth of Texas' liberty.

Why did Davy Crockett die?

He didn't. Contrary to popular belief, he was one of the few that survived the battle and was executed by a Mexican Firing-Squad.

Where was the battle of Alamo fought?

The Battle of the Alamo was fought at the Alamo Mission in what is now San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Where did the Alamo battle happen at?

The Battle of the Alamo begain in 1836 in San Antonio.

What 5 Texans won battle of Alamo?

Texas lost the Battle of the Alamo.

Were did the battle of the Alamo occur?

The Battle of the Alamo occured in the Alamo, an old church in San Antonio being used as a fort

Is the battle of Alamo and fall of Alamo the same?

Not necessarily. There were other forts in Texas besides the Alamo. [Fort Defiance, for example. ] The Alamo was one Texas fort, but not all Texas forts were the Alamo.

What battle followed the Battle of the Alamo?

The battle at Goliad

What Tennsessean gained fame from the battle of Alamo?

Davey Crockett was present at the battle of the Alamo and was from Tennessee.