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No, but there are many people who know very little about the Holocaust who then spread exaggerated claims not knowing that they are spreading untruths, these include:

- the claim that Hitler wanted to kill every Jew in the world [He didn't]

- the claim that the Holocaust was the reason for the war [It wasn't]

- the issue that the conditions in the concentration camps in 1945 was the same as the conditions in 1933. [they weren't]

- the claim that concentration camps were established for the Jewish question. [they were not]

- the claim that all/none of the German population knew about the Holocaust. [it is hard to tell exactly who knew, but generally those around the camps or railway stations knew others may have suspected]

there are many more..


Agreed. However, as the above inaccurate claims are made in ignorance (and not in malice) I would be inclined to call them misunderstandings. My reason for doing so is that some Holocaust deniers - that is, people who dogmatically deny the core facts of the Holocaust - also speak of 'exaggeration'.

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No. Quite the opposite if anything. The Allied soldiers first described it to an unbelieving leadership at first.

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Q: Was the Holocaust exaggerated
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