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This is likely to be a controversial question, so please see the different opinions below.

Answer 1: Means over Message

The military expansion of the Islamic Caliphates in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia was what led to the creation of the merchants and missionaries that arrived in areas not directly conquered by those Caliphates. Then once Islamic beachheads had been established through trade, indigenous Islamic countries would be erected in those areas (East Africa, Indonesia/Malaysia, West Africa, etc.). Within the Islamic Empires, there was incredible pressure to convert to Islam, such as legal inequality between Muslims and Non-Muslims, excessive taxation of Non-Muslims, certain dress requirements for Non-Muslims, etc. resulting in numerous conversions for legal and economic benefits as opposed to honest belief. Of course, we will never know how many people converted because of pressure and how many converted due to the message, but I would be dubious of any claim that held that more converted by message than by means.

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Q: Was the Expansion of Islam due Primarily to the Message rather than the Means?
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How do you explain the expansion of Islam?

this is due to Islam truthfulness, tolerance, and peacefulness. Refer to questions below.

Where is Islam primarily found?

In the Middle East.

How did Islam spread based on military expansion?

Islam never spread by war. Refer to question below.

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The Mongol destruction of Baghdad as a psychological blow from which Islam never recovered; further expansion of Islam halted.

What year did Muhammad the prophet of Islam bring his message?

The message of Islam was revealed to him. He was at the age of 40 when it was first revealed to him in the cave of Hira in the year 610 C.E.

What is the religion based on the message of Muhammad called?

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What it gives message to its followers for its non followers by Islam and by Hinduism?

The main message of Islam to all peoples is that: "there is only one god. He is the Creator, and therefore only he has the right to be worshipped."

How did Islamic law develop?

The rise of Islam started with the message that was spread by the Prophet Mohammad. After his death the companions who accompanied him through his journey realized the potential danger in losing the message of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet so they set to jot down the revealed knowledge and verses (collectively known as the "Quran"). this move helped preserve the message of islam. during the expansion of the Islamic state the Quran reached many regions of the world, which had slightly different understanding of its contents and thus had different interpretations. this led to the manifestation of different schools of thought and the development of law through their teachings as applied by the rulers of the land.

What was the message of the prophets?

Message about Faith "non of you will have faith except he wish same as his brother what he wish for himself" in Islam.

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The main religion of New Zealand is Primarily Christianity. However, there are Muslims there who practice Islam religion.