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In effect yes. The Berlin Wall consisted of a series of obstacles including alarmed chain link fences, high concrete walls, tank traps, mined strips, trip-wire operated guns, dog runs, manned watch towers and ditches.

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it was the east side and west side of Germany.

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Q: Was the Berlin Wall two walls?
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What was the death strip around Berlin Wall?

The Berlin wall actually consisted of two walls the outer border wall and the inner or rear wall. The death strip was a sort of no-man's land that fell between these two walls which re-enforced the strength of the border. The death strip was between 50 - 100 meters wide and consisted of various traps, guard towers and obstacles in order to prevent people from crossing.

What cities were on either side of the Berlin Wall?

The Berlin Wall surrounded West Berlin. Therefore... Inside the Berlin Wall: West Berlin Outside the Berlin Wall: The two closest cities were Potsdam to the west, and East Berlin to the east.

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There are many walls in Ireland, though none as famous as the likes of the Great Wall of China or the Berlin Wall.

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The Berlin Wall was a wall of many colors with lots of writing on it.

How did the fall of Berlin wall effect the German community?

The Berlin Wall was a physical dividing line that divided families without visitation rights. The wall divided the city of Berlin into TWO different cities; East Berlin and West Berlin.

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Jericho had two concentric walls surrounding it: one was an inner wall and the other an outer wall.

Why is the Berlin wall called the Berlin wall?

because the wall was in the city Berlin

What two countries did the Berlin Wall seperate?

The Berlin wall separated east and west Germany which have now reunited and became Germany.

What event helped unite East and West Germany?

The fall of the Berlin Wall