No. The battle that had the highest casualties for one day was Antietam. Gettysburg's 3-day battle was the bloodiest.
Shiloh was the first large battle in Spring of 1862 with thousands of casualties. When people read about this, they realized the war would be long and very bloody.
No Shiloh was not the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg holds that distinction.
Gettysburg. And the bloodiest one-day battle was Antietam.
battle of antietam (NEW RESPONDENT) That was the bloodiest 1-day battle. Gettysburg was the bloodiest alogether.
No, The Battle of Shiloh had more casualties. It was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Antietam, however, stands as the bloodiest single day of combat and in terms of killed and wounded they are very nearly the same.
it was the bloodiest battle in the civil war
No Shiloh was not the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg holds that distinction.
The Battle of Shiloh, April 1862.
Shiloh, Antietam, Gettysburgh were all horrific.
Gettysburg was one of the most influential The battle of franklin and the battle of shiloh were some of the bloodiest
The US Civil War Battle of Shiloh took place at Pittsburg Landing in Tennessee on April 6th and the 7th in 1862. It was a Union victory and the bloodiest battle in the war at the time.
The Battle at Shiloh took the lives of over 23,000 soldiers. This battle spanned two days and was one of the bloodiest in the Civil War.
ANSWER:apex= The Battle of AntietamThe bloodiest battle of the American Civil War, was the Battle of Shiloh (also known as Pittsburg Landing).The Battle of Shiloh, named after a church on the battlefield, is where many men from both sides would meet their God.After the battle was over, neither side cared anything about the title of winner or loser. After Shiloh, the South never smiled.
Gettysburg. And the bloodiest one-day battle was Antietam.
The bloodiest battle of the civil war was The Battle of Gettysburg...wich the union/North won
because the most blood was shead in that war!
Gettysburg. And the bloodiest single-day battle was Antietam.
Battle of Shiloh