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What are your hobbies?

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Q: Was sind deine Hobbys
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hier sind (deine/Ihre) Cookies

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We are your daughters = Wir sind deine/eure Töchter (pron: tœçter)

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What is your favourite hobby? - Was ist Dein/Ihr Lieblingshobby? What are your favourite hobbies? - Was sind Deine/Ihre Lieblingshobbies?

How do you say what are your hobbies or what do you like doing in German native speaker please?

You could ask: Was sind deine Hobbies? or Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

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Masturbating, Having sex, Pornstar ETC.

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Hello my name is .... My hobbies are singing and dancing and I love dogs translates as Hallo, ich heiße ......... Meine Hobbys sind Singen und Tanzen und ich liebe Hunde

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Deine Zärtlichkeit was created in 1978.

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I appreciate your comments but we are all friends here = ich schätze/begrüße/verstehe deine/eure Bemerkungen/Anmerkungen/Kommentare aber wir sind alle Freude hier

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it is wrong