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No. He was never buried, but put into a sarcophagus by Set and then heaved into the water, a tree then grew around the sarcophagus, and when it was cut down a sweet smell came from it and Isis knew where to find Osiris, Set too heard of the sweet smelling tree and after Isis had prepared the body to live again he cut it to pieces, and set those into the river, Isis went in search of the pieces so as to revive Osiris, she found all but one piece and this piece she recreated with magic (it was his phallus) and in this way Osiris lived again, but he departed from the earth to live in the underworld where he ruled as it's king as he had ruled above it. Horus, his son, became the new king and is identified as the god who is the living pharaoh.

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Osiris was not buried with a obelisk in Egyptian mythology.

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Where in Egypt was osiris worshipped?

Osiris was mainly worshiped in Abydos which was believed to be wear his body was buried. Most of the old kingdom tombs are located in Abydos for the same reason. Mainly Osiris was a very important god and he was worshiped through out the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Why did Egyptians have their arms crossed on their tomb?

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Osiris was Isis' husband (in the Ennead).

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Summary of the story of osiris and isis?

Well, osiris was married to isis and osiris died.

Where is osiris's buried?

Osiris was put in a coffin and set down the river nile, later on he washed up on the shore of Lebanon. Hope this helps you! :) --------------------- [Axel Alloy] Osiris may have originally been set upon the Nile, but as for his 'final' resting place, it is believed that he resides in Abydos. However, depending on the version of the Isis and Osiris story you follow, the actual resting place could be anywhere, as in one version Isis buries his scattered body parts where she finds them and made replicas to place in several locations that became temples, etc.

Where was Osiris?

Osiris was worshiped in ancient Egypt.

What is the son of osiris?

The son of Osiris is Horus.

Did the pharaoh Osiris have a pyramid?

no the god Osiris did