it was not too easy because colonial Connecticut was mostly a fishing area. the land in Connecticut was hilly but had good soil for farming. so technically the answer to this question is... it depends on where you are in Connecticut to find a good place for farming.
Tomas Hooker
There weren't such things as tourist attractions in colonial times.
their religion was puritans in colonial Connecticut
ye, the there was fertile soil.
Yes, there were slaves in colonial Connecticut.
it pretty much look like today but with more trees and farm land.
Yes, Connecticut is considered to be a marvelous place to farm. Particularly Shelton Connecticut, which is known for its farm land!
The Connecticut Colonies had Self government.
At that time in history, a person was either quite well off, or they farmed. What we would call the "middle class" today all had some type of smallholding, a few farm animals, a few small crops. Children of such families in colonial Connecticut would have been up with the sun - or before - to take care of their part of the chores that go with being a small farm family.
Claude Moore Colonial Farm was created in 1973.
Connecticut was founded in colonial times. The founding location was near what is today known as the Connecticut river.
New England