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Kerensky, who led Provsional Government. Lenin was able to gain support to overthrow that government because he promised to withdraw from the war if he and his Bolsheviks gained power. Lenin made good on that promise with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

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Q: Was it Kerensky or Lenin who kept Russia involved in World War 1?
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Who were the leaders for Russia on world war 1?

Tsar Nicholas 11, Michael 11, Vladimir Lenin

Who was in charge of russia during the world war?

Czar Nicholas II controlled Russia during World War I. He lost power during the final year Russia was in the war and the Alexander Kerensky was in power for the final months before Lenin took over and negoitated Russia's surrender to Germany.

Who was the leader of Russia in 1919?

If one goes by the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were leading Russia in March 1917. If one goes by the Gregorian calendar then in use by the western world, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was leading Russia in the beginning of March 1917 then Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks did.

Was Alexander Kerensky of the 1917 Provisional government in Russia successful?

No, Alexander Kerensky was not successful. Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government which he headed were overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917. Kerensky had failed to get Russia out of World War 1, failed to put an end to shortages of economic goods and failed to institute meaningful land reforms. All of these desires of the Russian people are what led to the February Revolution, the overthrow of the Czar and the creation of the Provisional Government in the first place. The main reason the Bolsheviks so easily seized control of the government from Kerensky was that he no longer had the support of the workers, soldiers or peasants of the country or of the various political parties that were trying to create a new permanent government. It has also been said that Kerensky had been undermined by various extreme socialist groups such as the Bolsheviks.

What Central Power put Lenin on a train back into Russia?

The German government is the member of the Central Powers of World War 1 that put Lenin on a train back to Russia.

Related questions

What was the difference between Alexander Kerensky's leadership and Vladimir Lenin's?

The essential difference between the two is that Kerensky was a capitalist while Lenin was a socialist/communist. Kerensky wanted to continue Russia's part in World War 1 and not change the system of ownership of land. Lenin wanted to end Russia's part in the war and redistribute land from its owners to the peasants that worked them. Kerensky allowed dissent. Lenin did not. Kerensky did not exile, imprison or execute people who did not follow his orders. Lenin did. Kerensky was democratic. Lenin was autocratic.

Who were the leaders for Russia on world war 1?

Tsar Nicholas 11, Michael 11, Vladimir Lenin

Who was in charge of russia during the world war?

Czar Nicholas II controlled Russia during World War I. He lost power during the final year Russia was in the war and the Alexander Kerensky was in power for the final months before Lenin took over and negoitated Russia's surrender to Germany.

Who was not liked because he would not remove Russia from World War 1?

Tsar Nicholas II, Prince Georgy Lvov, Alexander Kerensky and even Vladimir Lenin were all disliked at some point in time for not moving fast enough to get Russia out of World War I.

Who was the leader of Russia in 1919?

If one goes by the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were leading Russia in March 1917. If one goes by the Gregorian calendar then in use by the western world, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was leading Russia in the beginning of March 1917 then Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks did.

When Lenin took control what promises did he make?

Lenin promised to get Russia out of World War 1

Which leader took Russia out of World War I?

Vladimir Lenin took Russia out of World War 1.

Who led after Lenin in World War 1?

No one led Russia after Lenin in World War I. Lenin ended Russia's involvement in World War I by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918. World War I ended several months later in 1919. Lenin remained fully in power after the war ended.

Who was the Bolshevik leader during world war 1?

AnswerLenin.His full name was Valdimir Ilyich Lenin.

What leader wanted to get Russia out of World War I?

Vladimir Lenin is the leader who wanted to get Russia out of World War 1.

Was Alexander Kerensky of the 1917 Provisional government in Russia successful?

No, Alexander Kerensky was not successful. Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government which he headed were overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917. Kerensky had failed to get Russia out of World War 1, failed to put an end to shortages of economic goods and failed to institute meaningful land reforms. All of these desires of the Russian people are what led to the February Revolution, the overthrow of the Czar and the creation of the Provisional Government in the first place. The main reason the Bolsheviks so easily seized control of the government from Kerensky was that he no longer had the support of the workers, soldiers or peasants of the country or of the various political parties that were trying to create a new permanent government. It has also been said that Kerensky had been undermined by various extreme socialist groups such as the Bolsheviks.

Who Led Russia when the country left the Allied forces.?

World War 2 it was Stalin and World War 1 it was Lenin