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No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

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11y ago

No, for two reasons. One, Greece never had an empire so there was no empire to fall. Two, what we consider to be homosexuality, was a cultural thing in ancient Greece and had nothing to do with the civic conditions that caused the cities of Greece to be conquered.

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In which century did the Germanic tribes cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

The Western Roman empire fell to the Germanic tribes in 476 which was the 5th century of our era.

Why did slavery cause the Roman Empire to fall?

It didn't solely - it failed through the overwhelming influx of Eurasian peoples.

The Byzantine Empire took hold after the fall of which empire?

my Empire

Who wrote The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?

There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.

What building survived the fall of the roman empire?

The Roman Catholic church survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church survived the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

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In which century did the Germanic tribes cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

The Western Roman empire fell to the Germanic tribes in 476 which was the 5th century of our era.