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Agent Orange was used in Okinawa.

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Q: Was agent orange used on Okinawa?
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What chemical munitions were stored on the island of Okinawa?

agent orange, vx gas, mustard gas. seran

Did uss coral sea or uss ranger carry agent orange?

I was on the flight deck on the coral sea from 71 to 72 and saw nothing ...but I was stationed in Okinawa from 73 to 74 and know for a fact that it was sprayed all over the military bases in Okinawa for weed control...And another fact is that Okinawa was where the Agent orange was shipped to Viet Nam...historical fact and well documented.

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Toxic chemicals used to destroy jungle in vietnam?

The defoliant Agent Orange .

What was the pesticide called that was used during the Vietnam war?

The herbicide that was used during the Vietnam War was Agent Orange, which contains a deadly chemical called dioxin.

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What year agent orange use in okinawa?

During the Viet war that particular island was a US staging/support base; nothing more, nothing less.

How much agent orange was sprayed in Vietnam?

According to the US Veterans Administration's Agent Orange program; Approximately 20 million gallons of agents were used, which consisted of mainly Agent's White, Blue, and Orange. Of which Agent Orange was the most commonly used.

What agent orange used for?

Fake tan

Was agent orange used at Ft Bragg NC?

was agent orange used at fort polk la.

What government was in charge of agent orange?

Agent Orange was a chemical the United States used during the Vietnam war as an herbicide and defoilent.

Was agent orange used in kiserslautten Germany?

Agent Orange was not used in K-town or Permasens. It was a combat defoliant, but it was not needed in Germany during the cold war years.