The Romans had two types of forum: the forum civilium and the forum venalium. The former was the civic forum and the latter was the commercial forum, or market.
The forum civilium was the civic centre and the heart of a city and its public, political, judicial and administrative life. It had a comitia, a place where the popular assemblies met to vote, public speeches were made and public debates occurred. It had a senate house. Roman cities had their own local senate, modelled on the senate of the city of Rome. It had the courts were trials were conducted and administrative offices. It had public buildings (basilicas), shops, entertainments and important temples.
At the Forum Magnum (the Romans called it Forum or Forum Magnum, Roman Forum is a modern term) in the city of Rome there were also the aerarium (the treasury) the tabularium (the state archives) the regia (the residence of the Pontifex Maximus, the head of the Roman state religion) the rostra, a platfrom for speeches made with the bows (rostra) of ships captured in a naval battle, triumphal arches which commemorated victories in battle, and statues of important people and gods.
Rome had several fora (plural of forum) venalia (plural of venalium):: the Forum Boarium (cattle market) the Forum Suarium (meat market) the Forum Piscarium (fish market) the Forum Holitorium (vegetable market) the Forum Vinarium (wine market) the Forum Pistorium (bakers' market) and the Forum Cuppedinis (delicatessen market).
In the city of Rome Julius Caesar also built a forum, the Forum of Caesar. Some emperors also built a forum. These are called the imperial fora. They are named after the emperors who commissioned their construction. They are: the Forum of Augustus, The forum of Nerva, the Forum of Trajan.
The Roman Forum was a place where people gossip, chat, and shop. There were also public speeches, criminal trials, gladiatorial matches, and elections.
A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".
they were displayed in the Roman Forum (market place)
A forum was the Roman market place or open central area. In Greece called agora.
In the forum
A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".
The Roman Forum was a place where people gossip, chat, and shop. There were also public speeches, criminal trials, gladiatorial matches, and elections.
A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".
People met there to shop,chat, and gossip!
A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".A forum was a market place and in most Roman towns it was also a civic center. It was a place were people would not only gather to shop, but to catch up on the latest news and listen to speeches, especially during the election campaigns. Legal matters, such as registering a birth or death were also carried out in a forum. A forum was the ancient equivalent of our "downtowm".
the roman forum
Forum. The word is in use today as a meeting or site where people can exchange views.
the roman forum was in the center of Rome people went there to trade and perform
they were displayed in the Roman Forum (market place)
The most important meeting place for Romans was the Forum.
The Roman place of assembly or marketplace was the Forum
A forum was the Roman market place or open central area. In Greece called agora.