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Yes. I believe he wrote a book. Go on awesome website.

That is not the correct answer. Thomas Paine did write a book, and it was called common sense. Common sense was a book about how Britain should not be taxing them. It meant that it was just common sense not to tax them. Thomas Paine was a very strong patriot

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Thomas Paine was an ardent Patriot. His writings contributed greatly to the Patriot cause by explaining issues in a clear style to the average soldier, farmer and housewife, not just the lawyers who dominated the Colonial Congresses.

Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" written in 1776 convinced many doubtful colonials of the need for independence from Great Britain. Founding Father John Adams said that without the passion for independence stirred up by "Common Sense", Washington could not have won the Revolutionary War.

Paine also wrote the inspirational "The American Crisis" during the American Revolution. After the American Revolution was won, he wrote "In Defense of the Rights of Man" in support of the French Revolution

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Patriot, because he was against the British, and loyalists.

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