If he was, it would be hard to find a historical account of that battle. Even if he did lose, he knew when to make sacrifices and use them to his advantage. He was an excellent general and that is why some of the world's greatest military superpowers take his advice from the book.
There is no "Art of War" by Hannibal or "Art of War" by Hitler. They, like so many others, met a bitter end, even though they achieved great things. Sun Tzu's greatest achievement is his own book, which shows us his incredibly intelligent and logical thinking.
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War to provide strategies and tactics for military leaders to achieve victory in battle.
It is called The Art of War.
Sun Tzu is credited with writing a book on military strategy. The actual war experience on which the treatise is based is uncertain, probably in the service of the king of Wu in the late sixth century BCE.
Sun Tzu's principles were basic: 1. Study your enemy. 2. Never underestimate your enemy. 3. Never order your men to do something that you yourself would never do; lead by example (called "leadership" in today's world).
Sun Tzu
It is called The Art of War.
Sun Tzu died circa 496 B.C.
From Sun Tzu to Xbox was created in 2006.
Battle of Pai-t'ou-tzu happened in 1900.
It was a book that was written by Sun Tzu on the art of war.
Sun Tzu Lao Tzu
Sun Wu
Sun Tzu Zombie Warriors - 2013 was released on: USA: 2013 (internet)
Sun Tsu wrote it, around 500BC. This is Chinese History, by the way, not European History
Yes he did!
'The Art of War'