

Was Spartacus a roman emperor

Updated: 8/19/2022
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13y ago

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No, Spartacus was not a Roman Emperor.

Spartacus was a Thracian, possibly a soldier who was either captured by a Roman Legion or served as an Auxilliary in a Roman Legion, was enslaved either for failure to served appropriatedly as an Auxilliary or because he had been captured, and trained as a Gladiator. He initiated a slave rebellion within the Roman Republic known as the Third Servile War, in an apparent attempt to escape Roman territory.

There were no Roman Emperors at the time, since it was the Roman Republic and not the Roman Empire whom he rebelled against. Spartacus rebellion occur in the late phases of the Roman Republic, & just prior to the Roman Empire.

There would not be a de facto Roman Emperor until Julius Ceasar who was technically Dictator for Life, a position contrary to the constitutional framework of the Roman Republic. Julius was the last executive of the Roman Republic.

There would not be a de jure Roman Emperor until Octavius Ceasar, better not as Augustus Ceasar, terminated the Roman Republic and initiated the Roman Empire. Augustus was the first executive of the Roman Empire. Augustus established the Principate phase of the Roman Empire which had some vestiges of the Roman Republic; this was not the case in the Dominate phase of the Roman Empire.

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Where do you find out about the story of Spartacus?

The key parts of the story about the real Roman gladiator Spartacus can be found in a history book about the Roman Republic.

Why did tens of thousands roman citizens join the slave armies of Spartacus?

Roman citizens did not join the slave armies of Spartacus. Spartacus and his followers were escaped slaves and malcontent men of the lower classes. They were fighting against the Roman citizens. Spartacus gained must of his followers by promising freedom and loot.

Who was the Roman emporer that divided the Roman empire?

Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.

Who forced the last Roman Emperor in the west to abdicate?

Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.

What time in the roman period was Spartacus around?

the period in which he lived

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Who were some of the famous Roman gladiators?

Some would include: * Spartacus * Emperor Commodus * Flamma * Priscus * Verus

Who was the Roman Emperor in time of spartacus?

I believe there was no emperor at the time of Spartacus, as Caesar was the "king." Caesar wasn't actually the king, yet. He was just ruling and decided to become king, until he was unfortunately stabbed twenty three times in the Senate, the day before he left for a five-year war.There is a link that explains things, if I am incorrect:

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spartacus started a gladiotor/slave roman revolution and was very succesful but was eventually defeated by crassus the roman senator.

Spartacus what nationality is the name?

The name "Spartacus" is a Latin name. It had no nationality as such. The rebel gladiator Spartacus was said to be from Thrace and also was said to have served in the Roman army. Many auxiliaries either Latinized their names or changed them completely to a Latin (Roman) name.

Where do you find out about the story of Spartacus?

The key parts of the story about the real Roman gladiator Spartacus can be found in a history book about the Roman Republic.

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Why did tens of thousands roman citizens join the slave armies of Spartacus?

Roman citizens did not join the slave armies of Spartacus. Spartacus and his followers were escaped slaves and malcontent men of the lower classes. They were fighting against the Roman citizens. Spartacus gained must of his followers by promising freedom and loot.

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Who was the Roman emporer that divided the Roman empire?

Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the Roman empire.

How do you say spartacus in spanish?

Spartacus is a latin (Roman) name. It is the same in English, Spanish and Latin

What was the last Roman Emperor?

The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.

Is sporticous in Sparta?

Spartacus was Roman, and a Gladiator. Sparta Is in Greece. Sparta fell long before Spartacus was conceived.