

Was Shays Rebellion a tax revolt?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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War causes debt in most cases, and after the American Revolutionary War, the new United States had to come up with a way to pay their debts to European countries. One decision that left many people in significant trouble was to increase land taxes on farmers, and this created tremendous difficulties, especially between farmers and merchants. There was inequity between the taxes farmers had to pay and the taxes merchants paid. Smaller farmers in the Eastern states couldn't meet their debts, leading to uprisings like the Shays' Rebellion.

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Who led a rebellion of farmers protesting a property tax passed by Massachusetts?

Daniel Shays

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It was the farm owners who rebelled in Shays' Rebellion. The rebellion occurred in Massachusetts and was led by Daniel Shays. Another prominent leader of the rebellion was Luke Day.

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Who led a rebellion of farmers protesting a property tax passed by massachuttes?

Daniel shays :D ( apex)