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No it was founded as a fishing village by David Thompson.

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Q: Was New Hampshire founded by Roger Williams?
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Who founded Rhode Island Connecticut and New Hampshire?

Massachusetts was founded in 1630 by John Winthrop. New Hampshire was founded in 1630 by John Mason. Connecticut was founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker. Rhode Island was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams

Who founded New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut and Massachusetts?

Massachusetts was founded in 1630 by John Winthrop. New Hampshire was founded in 1630 by John Mason. Connecticut was founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker. Rhode Island was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams

Who was the founder of the England colony's?

Roger Williams founded the New England Colonies.

Who discovered New Hampshire colony?

New England was founded by several different people. John Winthrop was one of the people that founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Thomas Hooker founded the Connecticut Colony, and John Mason founded the New Hampshire Colony. Two of the founders of the Rhode Island Colony were Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams. Of course, all of these people had help from other settlers in getting these colonies to grow and prosper.

What did Rhode Island established in 1636 and New Hampshire founded in 1638 have in common?

They were both established by men who had been banished from Boston

Who got kicked out of the puritans colony?

Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts for spreading "new and dangerous rumors".

What month and year did Roger Williams settle the new colony of providence?

Roger Williams founded the colony of Providence in June of 1636. Providence, Rhode Island is one of the oldest cities in America.

Who founded the state of New Hampshire?

Captain John Wheelwright founded New Hampshire in 1638

Was Maine or New Hampshire founded first?

New Hampshire

After leaving Massachusetts he founded a new colony that eventually would become Rhode Island full name?

Roger Williams did.

Roger Williams was the founder of which of the original thirteen colonies?

Roger Williams founded the Rhode Island colony. First, he was banished from Massachusetts, and he moved south with his wife. He met the Narangansett tribe and they helped him found his anti-Puritan colony of Rhode Island.

What colony was founded in 1623?

New Hampshire and Maine.