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Gandhi used non-violent civil disobedience as a tool against British colonialism in India.

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Q: Was Mohandas Gandhi using civil obedience or civil disobedience?
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Who was in the development of Mohandas Gandhi's ideas on civil obedience?

John Locke

What was Mohandas Gandhi civilly disobeying?

Mohandas Gandhi was known for his protests in the form of civil disobedience. He was being disobedient to the English government in his protests.

Who invented civil disobedience?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Henry David Thoreau. Either of them is arguably the founder/inventor of civil disobedience.

What are some examples of civil disobedience led Mohandas Gandhi?

boycotts, strikes &demonstrations

An Indian lawyer believed in civil disobedience and nonviolence toward living things?

Mohandas Gandhi

Leader of the Indian independence movement?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi AKA Mahatma Gandhi

Who Mohandas Gandhi advocated disobedience?

Gandi (Mohandas K) was an advocate of civil disobedience. He was a firm believer in religious tolerance, and also believed the police and military were necessary to maintain people's safety and security.

Which leader is most closely associated with the use of civil disobedience in struggle to end colonial rule?

Mohandas Gandhi

Which leader is most closely associated with the use of civil disobedience in a struggle to end colonial rule?

Mohandas Gandhi

Mohandas gandhi protested british laws by?

using methods of civil disobedience, that is, refusing to obey laws considered to be unjust. =)

What philosophy did both Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther king jr. Use in their QUESTS FOR CIVIL RIGHTS?

Non violent disobedience

What is Mohandas Gandhi's occupation?

Mohandas Gandhi is a/an Lawyer,Anti-Colonial Nationalist,Political Ethicist