

Best Answer

Yes, she was. She raised 16 children and helped create reforms for eductaion in both of her countries...not just Austria! Not to mention she was a religious woman... Yes, she was. She raised 16 children and helped create reforms for eductaion in both of her countries...not just Austria! Not to mention she was a religious woman...

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Q: Was Maria Theresa of Austria a good ruler?
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Why was she sent to marry Louis XVI?

It was an arranged marriage that Maria Theresa (the mother of Marie Antoinette and Empress of Austria) and Louis XV (the grandfather of Louis XVI and King of France) arranged. Austria and France had been long time enemies and Maria Theresa and Louis XV thought it might do good to their relationship to have their countries united by a marriage of their (grand-)children.

How was the marriage of Louis xvi and Marie Antoinette?

By marrying the heir to the throne, who 4 years later became Louis XVI. She herself was the daughter of the Holy Roman Empress and Archduchess of Austria, so she was by far the most suitable bride.

How did Maria Theresa gain her power?

Maria Theresa came to power because she did not have any brothers. If she had she would not have come to power. When her father realized that he would not be having any sons he made sure that he contracted a good marriage for her with her cousin.

Maria theresa was known for what?

Maria Theresa was married to the Emperor of Austria, Francis I. She was a very strong woman with a good sense of how to reign a country, but because she was female, she could not inherit the thrown from her father. Austria did not allow woman on the thrown. She did in fact inherit the title for her husband, so he became emperor so officially she was called Emperor's wife instead of Empress, though, Francis I never cared much for politics and wasn't even half as strong and vigorous as his wife, so she reigned, eventhough Austria refused to admit they were reigned by a woman. She was also the mother of Marie Antoinette.

Why is Maria Theresa An Enlightenment Despot?

Judging by the reform she made, it is doubtful whether Maria Theresa of Austria was either enlightened or a despot. Her reign had been dominated by the figure of Fredrick the Great who threatened her state with extinction within weeks of her accession. He also deprived the empress of her most valuable province and obliged her to institute reforms in order to preserve her state. It is also evident that most of Maria Theresa's reforms were not her own. Although she showed a good judge of character and expertise in appointing her advisors, Hugwitz and Kaunitz, she was very easy to manipulate. Indeed, many of the reforms were done against the wishes of Maria Theresa herself, most noticeably the curbing of the power of the Church introduced by Joseph. These reforms were very reluctantly accepted by the Empress, as she was a devout Roman Catholic and did not want to interfere with the Church's power. All of the reforms introduced were very Enlightened although some had small elements of enlightened ideas.

What was maria known for?

Maria Theresa was married to the Emperor of Austria, Francis I. She was a very strong woman with a good sense of how to reign a country, but because she was female, she could not inherit the thrown from her father. Austria did not allow woman on the thrown. She did in fact inherit the title for her husband, so he became emperor so officially she was called Emperor's wife instead of Empress, though, Francis I never cared much for politics and wasn't even half as strong and vigorous as his wife, so she reigned, eventhough Austria refused to admit they were reigned by a woman. She was also the mother of Marie Antoinette.

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