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Answer 1

when Iraq was under the ottoman colonists but in after 1920 when British colonists came as they want to support Iraq by give Iraq independence from turkey. After that they asked the Iraqi king to sign agreement that makes British colony official in Iraq after he refuses they divide Kuwait and they threat him by doing the same thing for ninawa city and give it to turky if he refuses for the second time.

Answer 2

While it is true that Kuwait and parts of southern Iraq were part of the Vilayet of Basra in the Ottoman Empire, the Vilayet of Basra constituted less than 30% of modern Iraq in terms of land area. Iraq was established by the British colonialists who united several different Ottoman territories under one monarchy and they divided Kuwait off of the main group.

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Q: Was Kuwait a part of Iraq?
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Most of Iraq and Kuwait, eastern part of Syria and south eastern Turkey

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Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1991

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Kuwait was a part of Iraq and then declared independence under the British empire. Iraq is its own country. There are autonomous regions, such as Iraqi Kurdistan, but no separate countries.

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Kuwait is an independent nation and is not a part of the UAE. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a southern Middle Eastern nation, and Kuwait is more of a northern Middle Eastern nation. The question you ought to be asking is whether Kuwait is a part of Iraq, as it has been a part of Iraq/Basra/Babylonian Empire/Mesopotamia for over 6000 years.

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The war started when Iraq invaded Kuwait (kew-ate) for Kuwait's oil. Iraq thought that Kuwait was illegally tapping into Iraq oil fields. That's when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990.

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Kuwait, to Iraq's southwest, was conquered by Iraq in 1990. It was considered the 19th province of Iraq since during the Ottoman Period, Kuwait was part of the Mesopotamian region dominated by Iraq. However, the separation of Kuwait by the British early on made it independent to all but the Iraqis.

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Most of Iraq and Kuwait, eastern part of Syria and south eastern Turkey

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Iraq invaded Kuwait. This was the first Gulf War with Saddam Hussein.