

Best Answer

John was wrong because:

  • He signed his agreement on the magna carta (promise)
  • The magna carta would have made England a fairer and more democratic

John was right because:

  • He was forced into signing the magna carta
  • the pope agreed that the magna carta was "not only shameful and demeaning but also illegal and unjust"

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Q: Was King John I right or wrong to break the terms of magna carta?
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How did the British respond to the great Charter?

King John accepted the terms that would become Magna Carta and placed his seal on the charter. After several days, the barons renewed their allegiance to the king. Within two weeks, as many as forty-one official manuscript copies of the text of Magna Carta were prepared, sealed, and sent to each of the counties.

Why is the magna carta considered?

Not just English constitution but near enough any country which wanted a fair rulership. It said that even King John was bound by the law. Before that what a King (or other ruler said) went, but this document said he could act illegally.

What two terms mean the right to vote?

Suffrage and Franchise.

What happened in terms of cold war right before in this event?

Still in a stalemate.

Which of these terms is associated with womens right to vote liberation equality integration or suffrage?

Suffrage A+

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What is magnacarta in education?

If this question is asking what the Magna Carta means in terms of education, the Magna Carta was a historical document signed in England in the early 1200's by King John. The document alleviated more power to the people and less to the monarchy.

What was life like after the magna carta?

Didn't his son Henry the 7th forget all about it and do what he wanted and people weren't happy but by the time they were very angry henry 7th had died so henry 8th had to meet the public in the middle and go back to the magna carta? sorry im not really sure.

How did the British respond to the great Charter?

King John accepted the terms that would become Magna Carta and placed his seal on the charter. After several days, the barons renewed their allegiance to the king. Within two weeks, as many as forty-one official manuscript copies of the text of Magna Carta were prepared, sealed, and sent to each of the counties.

What is the main legacy of the Magna Carta in terms of limiting the power of monarch?

1. the Magna Carta took away some of the king's powers. He could no longer collect taxes unless a group called the great council agreed. 2. "The Magna Carta of 1215 had limited royal power and protected nobles from unlawful loss of life, liberty, and property". (I got it from text book) 3. limits power of English king

What was not a major source of ideas for the Constitution?

The Magna Carta and England's unwritten constitution is a major source. The works of John Locke and other Englightenment philosophers is another. The founder's experiences in the Revolution and with the Articles of Confederation were also important. In terms of specifics, the Federalist Papers that Adams, Madison, and Jay wrote were very important.

How do you say this letter in Spanish?

"This letter" in terms of a written communication, would be "esta carta". If you are speaking in terms of letters of the alphabet, it is "esta letra".

What is simple definition of magnitude?

In simple terms, "Magnitude" means "Largeness". Magna is the root of magnitude, and means large.

Its a Tunneling terms . What is under break?

opposite to over break

What happens if you break a legal contract?

A legal contract is binding. If you break the contract without having the legal right to do so as set in the terms of the contract or by having the contract declared void by a court, the other party has the right to sue you in order to be compensated for the value of the contract.

What was document that became the first written constitution in the Western World?

The first document which formally looks like what is now thought of as a "constitution" is the original United States Constitution. This is the first real document which explicitly (and in great detail) lays out how a country's government is to actual work. In terms of a more basic declaration of the purpose and function of government, the Magna Carta is generally considered to be the first such document.

Why is the magna carta considered?

Not just English constitution but near enough any country which wanted a fair rulership. It said that even King John was bound by the law. Before that what a King (or other ruler said) went, but this document said he could act illegally.

How many breaks do golfers get?

Assuming you are referring to the "break" on the green, it is the slope of the surface of the putting green. When putting if the ball rolls to the right it is said to be a "right break" same for left break, ball rolls to left after being struck by putter. To hit the hole when putting on a right break, you would have to hit ball to the left. You will hear terms such as "inside left edge" which would indicate to aim at the left side of the cup and the ball should "break" right into the cup when you hit put. Other terms: right edge, outside right edge, 2 inches outside right edge(aim 2 inches outside right side of cup), etc. A severe break would be 3-4 feet of break. Distance and Speed as factors: Distance from cup is a major determining factor for break. If ball were 5 foot from cup a break of inside the left edge would possibly be 1-2 feet of break if the ball were 15 feet from hole. Speed is also a major consideration. Normally when break is stated it is assumed the speed of the put would cause the ball to stop 1-2 feet past the ball. Some putters are "die in" putters. They only hit ball enough to get it exactly to hole and ball literally falls into the hole as it is stopping. Some golfers are very good at this but it is not recommended for most golfers. These golfers must be very good at reading break and speed of putting surface.