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Credit should go to both Nikita Kruchev and John Kennedy.

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Q: Was Kennedy the reason for a peaceful end to the Cuban missile crisis?
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What was the reason for the Cuban missile crisis?

It was a part of the nuclear arms race, not just the number of available warheads and the delivry systems, but also the time factor. Time from launch detection to detonation had become a critical factor in strategic planning. The U-2 incident with the Soviets had broken off talks on weapons limitations. The botched CIA backed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba had increased US-Cuban tension, Castro declared Cuba as a Socialist state and aligned itself with the USSR. The balance of power would be shifted greatly if missiles were placed in Cuba where US cities were only 16 minutes away from nuclear destruction. The USSR had a missile advantage. The US had a two to one warhead advantage, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles in Turkey and the big advantage of Submarine Launched Ballistic Missles. The US wanted to maintain its advantage.

What were Thomas Paines 3 most popular books he wrote?

His 5 main pamphlets were: Common Sense Thoughts on Government The American Crisis Rights of Man Age of Reason

What caused the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962?

One of the causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis was that the USSR was afraid that they have might have gotten hit by a missile first so they secretly hid a missile in Cuba. Another cause would be that and Nikita were afraid to lose Cuba in an invasion from the U.S.A, so they agreed to put missiles on their island because of protection. There were also many tensions with the USSR and the States with the peace program that Russia wanted to start. Then the U.S.A said that they would be tougher on Russia to end the Cold War. The USSR wanted all the power and so did the United States. Only one could have all of the power so the USSR acted first. the reason the misil crisis started was because they were both scared of eachother!!!

What was the reason to why Confucius began Confucianism?

Confucianism was started because Confucius wanted a peaceful society and china to be more organized.

Why is egyptian history more peaceful then mesopotamia?

The reason Egyptian history is more peaceful is a geographical one. Initially, the firs civilizations had a lot to gain by fighting for the land area between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. They needed the water.

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The Kennedy administration stepped up the defense program because of the escalating war in Vietnam. The Cuban Missile Crisis was another reason the defense program was beefed up.

Did Kennedy do anything good?

President Kennedy did help with the Civil Rights Movement and ended the Cuban Missile Crisis. That about raps up all of the good things he did in his presidency though. The Bay of Pigs incidence is blamed on him. Although it was not his plan because the mission was set up before he took office, it happened under his administration so it is commonly blamed on him. The main reason he is remembered as such a great president is because he was assassinated.

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US President Nixon believed it was unnecessary to consult the US Congress on his decision to bomb Cambodia during the Vietnam War. His rational was the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. In that case, President Kennedy did not consult with the Congress on his decisions regarding Cuba and the USSR. Nixon claimed that the Vietnam War was in itself a crisis and as Commander in Chief, he could make major policy changes without consulting with Congress.

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Well, I'm sure there is some way you can get to Cuba legally, but the main reason it is so hard is because of the Cuban Missile crisis, we aren't exactly on good terms with the Cubans.

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What was the reason for the Cuban missile crisis?

It was a part of the nuclear arms race, not just the number of available warheads and the delivry systems, but also the time factor. Time from launch detection to detonation had become a critical factor in strategic planning. The U-2 incident with the Soviets had broken off talks on weapons limitations. The botched CIA backed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba had increased US-Cuban tension, Castro declared Cuba as a Socialist state and aligned itself with the USSR. The balance of power would be shifted greatly if missiles were placed in Cuba where US cities were only 16 minutes away from nuclear destruction. The USSR had a missile advantage. The US had a two to one warhead advantage, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles in Turkey and the big advantage of Submarine Launched Ballistic Missles. The US wanted to maintain its advantage.

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that is completely wrong...the reason he let of the missile was because he had thougth it would end the war but sadly it didnt

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