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Understand that the Senate was in a different location than the Roman Forum. There is some dispute about whether it was near Piazza Navona or on the other side of the Tiber in what is currently called Trastevere. Can anyone be more specific than this?

Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Theater of P:ompey, where the Roman Senate was meeting temporarily while the old Senate House (a.k.a. "Curia") in the Roman Forum was being reconstructed under his orders as Dictator. That's why the surviving Senate House in the Forum is called the Curia Julia -- it's the one that Julius Caesar founded and it was completed by his nephew/heir Octavian Caesar (later the Emperor Augustus) after he consolidated his power following the assassination and subsequent Civil War. Very cool that it has survived to this day, relatively intact. See link:

As for the Theater of Pompey, history was not kind. Parts of it survive, at least, and it it incorporated into the apartment and retail buildings that have grown up around it, and literally inside of it, in today's Rome. There is actually a restaurant built into one of its alcoves. It's located off the Campo Di Fiori, somewhat near the Piazza Navonna, in central Rome. Some good photos here:

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Q: Was Julius Caesar killed in the Roman Forum or near the theater of Marcellus?
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Where is the forum that juliu Caesar was killed at?

Julius Caesar was not killed in a forum. He was killed in the senate chambers of the Theater of Pompey.

Where was Julius Caesar killed?

Adjacent to the the Theater of Pompey in Roam on the 15th March 44BC.

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The year that Julius Caesar was killed was 44 BC.

Where was Julius Cesar killed?

Gaius Julius Caesar, dictator of the Roman Republic, was assassinated in the Theatre of Pompey in Rome on the ides of March (March 15), 44 BCE, by as many as 60 or so senators who feared that Caesar plotted to overthrow the Republic and become king.The great irony of Caesar's murder is that, after his death, the Republic was plunged into civil war, eventually overthrown and replaced by the Empire, headed by the first emperor, Caesar Augustus (formerly Octavius, Caesar's adopted heir). Another great irony is that he died at the foot of the statue of Pompey: the man who had opposed him, and who Caesar had fought and beaten in several battles before Pompey was murdered by the Egyptians.(see related link)

Where was Caesar assassinated?

I do not know the answer but which Caesar are you talking about Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar? Probably in Greece anyways. Julius Caesar was killed in the Forum in Rome. Stabbed to death by about 21 senators who didn't like him taking over the government. Julius Caesar was stabbed on the steps of the senate house. (Augustus Caesar was not killed - he died a natural death.)

Where is Caesar kiilled?

Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.Caesar was killed in the meeting hall in the theater of Pompey.

How old was Caesar when he was killed?

Julius Caesar was 56 years old when he was killed.

Was Julius Caesar killed by a gun?

no Guns were not invented for several more centuries. Julius Caesar was stabbed.

What was not accomplished by Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar did not accomplish the campaign to Parthia. He as killed before he left for the campaign.

What happen to the people who killed Julius Caesar?

they were killed by octavian

When was Julius Caesar assissinanted?

Julis Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C.

Who was killed on the ides of March?

Julius Caesar was killed on the Ides of March.