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Julius Ceasar fought for the lower class people. Fought to get them work and his politics were straight for the proletariat. So according to that we could say he was a socialist leader of a form. We can find same things in the 20th century in people like Lenin, but we cannot say he is a communist. His ideas were much a like.

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Q: Was Julius Caesar a communist leader?
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Was Julius Caesar a leader?

yes he was

How long was Julius Caesar a leader for?

Julius Caesar served as the leader of Rome for approximately 5 years, from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC.

How is Julius Caesar famous?

Julius Caesar is famous for being a Roman general and military leader.

Did Julius Caesar become leader before Augustus?

Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.

Which roman leader was Julius Caesar's adopted nephew?

If you mean the Roman leader who was the nephew of Julius Caesar and his adopted son, it was Octavian, later known as Augustus Caesar.

How did Julius Caesar rise?

Julius Caesar came into power as a leader of Rome because he was a dictator for life

Which ancient civilization had Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar as famous leaders?

Ancient Rome obviously. Julius Caesar ended the Roman Republic.

Who was the last leader of the roman republic?

Julius Caesar.