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No. He urged the Donner Party to take a shortcut which caused the party unnecessary hardship. If the Donner Party had not taken the shortcut, they would have made it to Sacramento before snow came to the Sierra Nevada mountains.

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No, he was a Swiss immigrant.

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Q: Was John C Fremont apart of the Donner party?
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In the election of 1856 which party's campaign slogan was free soil free speech and Fremont?

Republican Party candidate John Fremont

What did John fremont do?

John Charles Fremont became the first anti-slavery candidate of the Republican Party to run for president. Fremont was also an explorer and an officer in the military.

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"My purpose was to get leave to bring my party into the settlements in order to outfit and to obtain the supplies that had now become necessary. " -John C. Fremont

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Abdellah John Charles Fremont John Charles Fremont

I was the first Republican Party candidate for President and won many Northern states in the 1856 election. Who am I?

Republican Party candidate John Fremont won 11 northern states in the 1856 presidential election.

Who ran for president in 1856?

In the Democratic party it was John C. Fremont. In the Republican party it was James Buchanan. In the Know-Nothing party it was Millard Filmore.

In the election of 1856 which party's campaign slogan was Free soil free-speech and FrΓ©mont?

Republican Party candidate John Fremont

What was the antislavery political party that ran John C. Fremont in the 1856 presidential election?

The antislavery political party that ran John C. Fremont in the 1856 presidential election was the Republican Party. This was their first presidential candidate, as they had formed in opposition to the expansion of slavery into the western territories. Fremont's campaign platform focused on limiting the expansion of slavery and promoting free labor.

How tall is John Fremont?

John Fremont is 6' 2".

Who was Fremont named after?

John c. Fremont founded fremont and was named after fremont 

Who were John C Fremont's children?

Yes he did. He had three. John Charles Fremont, Elizabeth Benton Fremont, and Francis Preston Fremont.

Was Lincoln the Republican candidate for president in 1856?

No, the Republican Party's nomination for the 1856 US presidential election was California's John C. Fremont. Fremont, as well as the Know-Nothing Party's Millard Fillmore, lost against the Democratic Party's candidate, James Buchanan.