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No, he was a Jew named in Hebrew Yeshua (Jesus is a Greek translation of the name) . Herod, who ruled through Roman support wished he had never existed. His teaching were considered a threat to the Jewish establishment. The Sanhedrin of Jerusalem arrested and questioned Jesus. The Sanhedrin was a rabbinical court which was appointed in Jewish towns and was the supreme authority of the town. It deemed Jesus' answer as blasphemous to Mosaic Law. It took Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the Roman administrator of Judea with accusations of sedition against Rome. Pontius Pilate did not think that Jesus was guilty of anything and tried to rescue him. However, the crowd demanded his crucifixion.

Also, Jesus appears in no official Roman records until long after his death and those records are a reaction to the spread of Christianity and the stories its followers have already been telling about him both verbally and in writing.

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Q: Was Jesus Christ invented by the Romans?
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