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No and he never has been. He worked with MLK in the civil rights movement and was with him when he was shot. He is now involved in several civil rights organizations. The Black Panthers aren't very active today and most are dead that were active in the 1960's.

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Q: Was Jesse Jackson a member of the black panthers?
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She was a member of the Black Panthers

Why is Jesse Jackson black?

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A founding member of the Black Panther party

Was jimi Hendrix ever a member of the black panthers?

There is no evidence of he was a member. Reports that he was a member are false. He became 'supportive' after some pressuring, but was not a member. He was often 'shaken down' and made to feel guilty for not being more vocal.

Who did Michael Jace play in Forrest Gump?

Michael Jace played a member of the Black Panthers in the movie Forrest Gump.

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A rabid nun? A zebra with an atomic bomb? A copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook found in your possession? 17 tons of Good and Plentys? Michael Jackson on steroids? Jesse Jackson and Jerry Falwell in agreement? (well, not anymore) The Black Panthers and the Hells Angels riding together?

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Jesse Jackson.

Where are panthers found?

Panthers are not a breed in and of itself, but a member of the large cat family that is black in color. Panthers are native to three continents in the world; Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Is Carlos Santana a black panther party member?

No. He however, played with some of the Panthers' members.

Is Jesse Jackson a credible voice for the Black Community?

to tell you the truth i dont know == ==

What black man was appointed the presidency of the United States of America but was not elected?

Jesse Jackson