

Was Georgia a US colony

Updated: 8/19/2022
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12y ago

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They where one of the Thirteen Original Colonies.

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Q: Was Georgia a US colony
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There was not a colony that was founded by prisoners. However, there was a colony founded so that it could be used as a British penal colony. That colony was Georgia.

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Why was the Georgia colony formed?

we are not sure can you tell us please!

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The colony north of Georgia was South Carolina.

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Well technically it was the state of Georgia not the colony. But she served in the state legislature and represented the state in the US House from 1955-1963

When was Georgia founded and what state is Georgia?

It was founded as a British Colony in 1733 and became the 4th US State in 1788.

Who was the founder of the Georgia colony?

Oglethorpe was the founder of the Georgia colony.