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During the 1966 world cup, there was a controversial incident where Geoff Hurst scored a goal that may or may not have bounced over the line. In close analysis using modern technology, the ball was shown to have not gone over the line and the goal should have never been given.

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Q: Was Geoff Hurst's World Cup Final goal over the line?
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Who was the highest goal-scorer in the 1966 world cup finals?

It was Geoff Hurst of England , the only person to score a hat trick in a world cup final.

Who scored and when in the 1966 world cup final?

Geoff Hurst scored 3 goals , and Martin peters scored 1 goal for England.

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The fourth goal in the 1966 FIFA World Cup final, which brought the match score to 2 - 2 and took the match into extra time, was scored by Germany's Wolfgang Weber, a defender who spent his entire club career at FC Köln.

What are the names of the players who scored goals in the 1966 world cup final?

The goal scorers in the 1966 World Cup Finals are as follows ;For England - Geoff Hurst ( Three Goals ) and Martin Peters ( One Goal ).For West Germany - Helmut Haller and Wolfgang Weber ( One Goal each ).

Who got the goal to win the world cup for England?

It was Geoff Hurst with a hat trick.

Who scored for England in the world cup finals 1966?

Geoff Hurst scored Hatrick and the wining goal at 120 minute.

Who said they think it's all over it is now?

Geoff Hurst, an English footballer, said this iconic line in 1966 after scoring a goal in the World Cup final against West Germany.

Who scored the winning goal in 1966?

geoff hurst

Who won the football world cup in 1966?

England won the world cup in 1966 because of geoff hurst scorring the winning goal. The final score was 2-2 at full time and 4-2 after extra time. The game was also played at Wembley stadium in London

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The final goal of the 2010 world cup was scored by Andrea Ineista.

Who were the goal scorers when England won the world cup in 9166?

Geoff Hurst of England scored a hat trick was West Germany.

Did Diego maradona score a goal in a world cup final?

Yes he scored 2 in the 1986 world cup final.