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Finland was never part of Soviet Union but it gained it's Independency from Russia.

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Q: Was Finland ever a part of the Soviet Union?
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What five regions that were part of the Russian Empire were not part of the Soviet Union?

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland

Was the Soviet Union ever part of the Olympics?

Yes. It even hosted one.

Which orginazations members were formerly parts of the sovient union?

Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.

Which country was NOT part of the former Soviet UnionBelarusUkraineRomania?

Belarus and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union. Romania was not.

Is China part of the Soviet Union?

No, China is not part of the Soviet Union and never has been. In fact, as of December 8, 1991, no country is "part of the Soviet Unon" because the Soviet Union was dissolved and no longer exists.

What are the release dates for Velikiy grazhdanin - 1938?

Velikiy grazhdanin - 1938 was released on: Soviet Union: 13 February 1938 (part 1) USA: 15 January 1939 Soviet Union: 27 November 1939 (part 2) Finland: 1 September 1950

Which country was not part of the former soviet union belarys Ukraine or Romania?

Romania was not a part of Soviet Union.

Is Germany a part of the Soviet Union?

Eastern Germany became a part of the Soviet Union after World War 2.

Was Tallinn ever part of Russia?

Yes, Tallinn has a history of being part of Russia. It was under Russian rule from 1710 to 1918, first as part of the Russian Empire and later as part of the Soviet Union. Tallinn regained independence in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

How did Russia become part of the Soviet Union?

In 1917 the Soviet Union was created by Russia.

Why did russia declare war on austria -- Hungary?

Because They wanted to take it over along with other countries, e.g. Lithuania, Estonia, finland, latvia etc, and make them become part of an empire of the Soviet Union

Was Estonia ever part of another country?

Yes. Estonia is one of the former states of the Soviet Union, or USSR.