The Middle Ages lasted a thousand years. There were times when England was rich, as during the reign of Henry V. And there were times when things were positively terrible, as during the time when Steven and Matilda were fighting over who should be the monarch.
98 % of the people were poor, the other 2 % ere rich, so the most of the people in England during 106 were poor, and if ther harvest were bad, they ight have to eat leaves, roots and any creatures that they could catch, and the rich people mde their money by selling iron, wool or any skin (i mean that they worked on it) :)
In 1066 England was a rich and sophisticated country with a good law system. There was lots of food and a good tax system
Normandy,France but come to Shropshire,England in 1066
Britain in 1066 was very religious since that almost everyone went to church.
In the year of 1066
Harold Godwinson was the last Anglo-Saxon King of England, who reigned England from January 6, 1066 until his death at the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066.
In 1066 England was a rich and sophisticated country with a good law system. There was lots of food and a good tax system
Normandy =)
The conquest of England in 1066 saw the country controlled by the Normans, the people from Normandy in northern France descended from vikings.
England. Someone posted misinformation. No country has invaded England since 1066.
England... is this for Mystery Class? yes!
England had London as it's capital (since 1066), but since the Acts of Union in 1707 England is no longer a country.
Normandy,France but come to Shropshire,England in 1066
Britain in 1066 was very religious since that almost everyone went to church.
England was really bad no one would listen to the king he has no control over his country. England was really bad no one would listen to the king he has no control over his country.
Two things that happened in 1066 were the Norman Conquest of England and a sighting of Haley's comet. Another thing was the invasion of England by people from some Scandinavian country that I can't remember.
In the year of 1066