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Q: Was Dorothea Lange a prominent write during the great depression?
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Who was a photographer during the Great Depression?

Dorothea Lange

Who photographed the rural poor during the great depression?

Dorothea Lange

Who was the most famous female photographer of the Depression?

Dorothea Lange

What has the author Dorothea Lange written?

Dorothoea Lange is known for her photographic art work. Her photographs are some of the best from the Great Depression and Dust Bowl.

How did dorothea lange help soctiy?

She helped society by documenting the troubles of many people for the Farm Service Administration during the Great Depression

Who was the photojournalist whose pictures depicted the misery of the poor?

Dorothea Lange comes to mind for her pictures of Americans taken during the great depression.

Dorothea Lange's picture Migrant Mother was representative of what time period?

Great Depression

What were Dorothea Lange's obstacles in achieving success?

Some obstacles Dorothea Lange had to overcome were that since she photographed much during the Great Depression, she not only had to deal with economic sacrifices, but also she had to deal with the fact that people did not want to prolong the fact that America was in an economic depression. I'm sure there are other difficulties she had to triumph over, but those are some I know of.

Questions about dorothea lange?

How old is she?Dorothea Lange died when she was 70years old

Was Dorothea Lange African American?

No, Dorothea Lange was not African-American. She was caucasian.

What are the release dates for Dorothea The Life of Dorothea Lange - 2016?

Dorothea The Life of Dorothea Lange - 2016 was released on: USA: 2016

Did Dorothea Lange have siblings?

Dorothea Lange has a brother, hold old how ever it does not say