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Columbus was really disrespectful to Native Americans or also known as American Indians.

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He was more than disrespectful to them. He r*ped them, hang them, fed them to hunting dogs, and smashed infants against rocks to torture their mothers. He did all of this because they did not bring him the gold that he sought out, despite the fact that he wasn’t even where he thought he was. Columbus was a condescending, ignorant, tyrannical murderer.

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Thomas Paine Accomplishments?

He first published his African Slavery in America, in the spring of 1775, criticizing slavery in America as being unjust and inhumane.On January 10, 1776 Paine formulated his ideas on American independence in his pamphlet Common Sense.In his Common Sense, Paine states that sooner or later independence from England must come, because America had lost touch with the mother country. In his words, all the arguments for separation of England are based on nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense. Government was necessary evil that could only become safe when it was representative and altered by frequent elections.Due to the many copies sold (500.000) Paine's influence on the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 is eminent.During the War of Independence Paine volunteered in the Continental Army and started with the writing of his highly influencial sixteen American Crisis papers, which he published between 1776 and 1783. In 1777 he became Secretary of the Committee of Foreign Affairs in Congress, but in 1779 he was forced to resign because he had disclosed secret information. In the following nine years he worked as a clerk at the Pennsylvania Assembly and published several of his writings.Between March 1791 and February 1792 he published numerous editions of his Rights of Man, in which he defended the French Revolution against the attacks by Edmund Burke, in his Reflections on the Revolution in France. But it was more then a defense of the French Revolution: an analysis of the roots of the discontent in Europe, which he laid in arbitrary government, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and war. The book wwas banned in England because it opposed to monarchy, but Paine was not arrested because he was already on his way to France, having been elected in the National Convention.Though a true republicanist, he was imprisoned in 1793 under Robespierre, because he had voted against the execution of the dethroned king Louis XVI. During his imprisonment the publication of his Age of Reason started. Age of Reason was written in praise of the achievements of the Age of Enlightment, and it was from this book that he was acussed of being an atheist.

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