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well if my calculations are correct catherine howard was married to francis dereham. and did you know that catherine howard is gay?

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Q: Was Catherine Howard married to Francis Dereham?
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Who was Catherine Howard secretly engaged to when she was married to Henry VIII?

His name was Francis Dereham and he was exicuted as well by Henry viii for his relationship with cat howard

How did Katherine howards marriage end?

Katherine Howard's marriage ended with her execution. She was accused of adultery with Francis Dereham and Thomas Culpeper, and failing to disclose her previous sexual history, with both Francis Dereham and Henry Mannox.

Who did Henry marry after Catherine Howard?

After Catherine Howard he married Catherine Parr

Where was Catherine Howard married?

It is unknown.

What was Catherine howard date of marriage?

Catherine Howard married Henry VIII on July 28th 1540.

Where did Catherine Howard get married to Henry?

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What date was Catherine Howard beheaded?

Because she a) had had an affair before her marriage with her music teacher Henry Mannox, b) had also had an affair before marriage with Francis Dereham, and c) had an affair during her marriage with her cousin Thomas Culpeper.

When were Catherine Howard and King Henry VIII married?

Answer Catherine Howard was the fifth of King Henry VIII's six wives. They married on 28th July 1540.

How long was catherine howard and Henry the 8th married for?

As I recollect, she wasn't divorced, she was beheaded for suspected adultery.

How old was Catherine Howard when she married Henry?

She was 17

How old was henry vIII when he divorced Catherine howard?

Henry viiji was 8906,67544,32144,45677,8 when he married catherine howard

What number was catherin howard when he married Henry?

Catherine Howard was wife number 5