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Yes, The Battle of Piacho Pass, and had several companies of Cavalry fighting with the Massachusetts Cavalry. While a few Americans might know that shipments of gold from California helped keep the Union solvent during the Civil War, almost no one know that California had more volunteers per capita in the Union Army than any other state. Nor is it generally known that by war's end California volunteers in the West occupied more territory than did the Union Army in the east. Nearly 17,000 Californians enlisted to fight. Most of these men were keep busy in the West, but several companies of California volunteers saw action in the East as the California One Hundred or later the California Cavalry Battalion. These volunteers served with the 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry and fought in 31 engagements, many of them in the Shenandoah Valley. Other California volunteers served with distinction in New York and Pennsylvania regiments. Eward Baker is but one example. A noted orator and early California Republican, Baker formed the 1st California Regiment. Baker died while leading the regiment in a charge across an open field in the battle of Ball's Bluff in October 1861 and the regiment was then claimed by Pennsylvania and renamed the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.

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Q: Was California involved in any Civil War battles?
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Was California involved in the Civil War?

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The Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865

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Yes. Civil War battles were fought in all 11 Confederate states.

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There were 36 battles fought in the civil warNEW RESPONDENTThere were about 8,000 occasions in which hostilities occurred in the American Civil War.

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The Battles of Brandwine and Fort McHenry in the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Antietam in the US Civil War.

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The majority of American Civil War battles were fought in Virginia. In fact, almost all battles were fought in the South. The Civil War was truly a defensive war for the South and an offensive war for the North.