Any country where the head of state is elected by popular vote, by definition can not have a heridetary head of state.An example of one such Country would be Eire, whoes current (2014) head of state is president Michael D. Higgins.There are many other countries with elected heads of state.Countries with an hereditary head of state are either Monarchies (eg Great Britian) or dictatorships (eg North Korea).
Bucephalus was the name of Alexander the Great's horse.
Alexander the Great's horse was as famous as Alexander himself. His horse was named Bucephalus, meaning ox-head. Bucephalus was a large black horse with a white star on his brow.
No-one - Great Britain isn't a country in its own right. The head of state of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II.
republic (a country whose head of state is not a monarch)
There was no country. He was king of his empire, which contained many city-states, petty kingdoms, tribes and peoples.
What country has Evo Morales as their head of state?
Bucephalus (Ox-Head) was the name of Alexander the great's horse.
Any country where the head of state is elected by popular vote, by definition can not have a heridetary head of state.An example of one such Country would be Eire, whoes current (2014) head of state is president Michael D. Higgins.There are many other countries with elected heads of state.Countries with an hereditary head of state are either Monarchies (eg Great Britian) or dictatorships (eg North Korea).
Great Britain does not have a leader because it is not a country. The head of state of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II. The current head of government in the UK is David Cameron.
Bucephalus was the name of Alexander the Great's horse.
The capital of the US, and any country, has great importance. It is the head of government for the country and almost all official business is conducted here.
The Queen is the Ceremonial Head of State. But the Prime Minister is the real Head of State as elected by the people of Great Britain.
The Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II and the Head of Government is the Prime Minister James Gordon Brown. The Queen is head of state of the United Kingdom and the head of government in the UK is Gordon Brown. There is no-one in charge of Great Britain because it is not a country, only part of the UK.
Africa does not have a head of state. Africa is not a country. It is a continent. It has more than 50 countries in it. Each of those countries would have their own head of state.
Alexander the Great's horse was as famous as Alexander himself. His horse was named Bucephalus, meaning ox-head. Bucephalus was a large black horse with a white star on his brow.
Bald Head lighthouse is located in the country Brunswick, NC.