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Alexander Hamilton's economic plans for the new government was founded on the idea that congress must pay off the war debt is a true statement. Hamilton was the 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury.

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Q: Was Alexander hamilton economic plans for the new government was founded on the idea that congress must pay off the war debt true or false?
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Hamilton's economic policy encouraged what?

Alexander Hamilton thought that the new federal government should accept the debts of the Confederation Congress at their full value. :)

Who did George Washington put in change of the government's economic policies?

George Washington put Alexander Hamilton in charge of economic polices.

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The biggest economic problem for Alexander Hamilton and his new government was recovering from the 54 million dollar federal debt arising from the Revolution. The states owed another 25 million. Confederate paper money was worthless.

Was Hamilton's economic measures were prompted by his determination to strengthen the national government?

This is true. Alexander Hamilton was a nationalist by belief and wanted a strong central government. As such, his economic changes were meant to fund the national debt and create a central bank.

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Alexander Hamilton had plans to set up a national bank in the United States to establish a sound financial system, promote economic development, and centralize government control over monetary policy.

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Alexander Hamilton favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which allowed for a strong national government because Congress could pass laws based on the "elastic clause."

One major reason that Alexander Hamilton proposed a national bank was to?

Improve the economic position of the United States government

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Alexander Hamilton

What did Alexander Hamilton believe about people?

He was a federalist and believed in a strong central government. He was the Secretary of Treasury in George Washington's cabinet and saved the contry from financial crisis. Hamilton created the National Bank which was disputed but was a major step in our government's growth.

Who established US economic system?

Alexander Hamilton

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Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to vote for him.