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How much is a Reed and Barton Regent 5600 tea kettle/pot about 9 inches high and great condition worth?

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Q: Value of Reed Barton silver pitcher Regent pattern 5600?
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What do numbers mean on reed and barton silver?

It's the lot number for the pattern. Example: 1135 is code for ' Windsor ', which is a pattern that was created by Reed & Barton.

What is the number 3707 on a FB Rodgers silver pitcher?

it is the pattern #

Is regent silver real silver or plated?

Regent silver is typically not real silver but rather silver-plated. It consists of a base metal coated with a thin layer of silver to give it the appearance of real silver while being more affordable.

What means epns reed barton 1716 silver?

EPNS stands for Electroplated Nickel Silver, which is a type of silverware made by electroplating a thin layer of silver onto a base metal such as nickel silver. Reed & Barton is a well-known American manufacturer of silverware, established in 1824. The number 1716 likely refers to a specific pattern or design created by Reed & Barton.

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What is Reed and Barton flatware used for?

Reed and Barton make flatware eating utensils. They produce them in stainless steel as well as sterling silver. Usually, these are given as gifts to newlywed couples who have chosen a certain pattern.

How much is a Reed and Barton soldered silver dish 170 worth?

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How much is a Reed and Barton silver plated water pitcher dated 1868 worth anywhere?

In the last 90 days the highest price paid for a Reed & Barton silver plated water pitcher has been 695.00. I would give you a link but it is older than 90 days. If you want to strictly use eBay then check with some of the sellers selling antiques on eBay. If not go to Google or yahoo groups and put in Reed's & Barton to see if there are any groups for that company.

What is the history on a Reed Barton silver soldered 450 1P Metropolitan Hotel Tea pitcher?

Hi, there is a site you may want to check out, its; There they offer value prices and picture patters on, silver,china & crystal, very user friendly site. Or you could try; luck!

What is the value of your silver pitcher?

The current price for an ounce of silver is $18.56 USD. Use this as a conversion factor with the weight of your silver pitcher.

What did Clara Barton do in the red cross?

she put it in the silver war

What is Reed and Barton USN 3000 silver bowl worth?

About $20