Urban reformers are individuals who aim to make a gradual change in society by empowering urban areas. Ideas are often rooted in social democracy.
They are appointed by the president and often they are a political favor for support and money in a political campaign.
many of the early computer programmers were women as the male mathematicians and scientists using the machines often felt the tedious task of programming the machines to be beneath them.
served as a leader, often perceived as a divine man
Meritocracy. Urban political machines were not known for promoting or rewarding individuals based on their merit or qualifications. Rather, they often operated on a system of patronage and nepotism, prioritizing loyalty and political connections over skill or ability.
political machines
political machines
They try to influence decisions of government agencies, political representatives, or policymakers.
The new professional political organizations were known as political machines. They often relied on what's known as the spoils system, where candidates promise jobs or other favors in return for support.
Immigrants played a significant role in political machines by providing a base of supporters and voters. Political machines often targeted immigrant communities for their votes in exchange for jobs, services, and other favors. Immigrants were a key demographic that helped power the operations and influence of political machines in cities across the United States.
Political machines often promoted corruption, nepotism, and favoritism, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability in government. They also stifled democratic processes by manipulating elections through tactics like voter fraud and coercion. Additionally, political machines tended to prioritize the interests of party bosses and insiders over the needs of the general public.
"White flight" refers to the movement of middle-class white residents from urban areas to the suburbs, often in response to the influx of minority residents. This phenomenon has been criticized for contributing to urban decay and segregation in cities.
Simple. It is by changing the natural environment by human-made machines into human needs, that are often flat to construct urban areas to suit needs and wants such as agriculture and urban sprawl.
they were big fat liers and didn't help the immigrants
What are you oftentimes criticised for? How did you react to them?
Some advantages of political machines were that they provided order and could sometimes restructure city governments to benefit their constituents. However, there were numerous disadvantages: corruption, poor service, and racial issues.