The USA is a 'federal constitutional republic' in that the 50 states give supreme control to its citizens which in turn constitutionally vote their representatives to run the limited federal government. There is no monarch.
Our first form of government began to govern the United States in 1787.
Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution states:"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, . . . "Note that the words "Republican Form of Government" were capitalized in the US Constitution itself, making it crystal clear that a particular form of government is both mentioned in and guaranteed by the Constitution.
The Articles of Confederation were the first framework for the government of the USA. They were enough of a structure, for the nation to survive during those eight years (1781-1789).
The states of the United States were either: *13 Preexisting independent American states that created the United States Government. *36 State governments created by the United States Government. *1 Independent country that joined the United States by treaty (Texas).
The United States' government.
The United States government is a democratic republic.
Our first form of government began to govern the United States in 1787.
In the united states we have a democracy
The United States government is the closest world government to a true democracy. There is also no monarch in the United States.
The United States is a representative republic.
the same as the United States (democracy)
The United States of America is a Republic.
The Constitution
The simulates between you United States and the United Kingdom government are very different ... In fact the United States form of government was formed to be in exact contrast to the UK model ... Then the United States formed there government the UK was and still is a Monarchy and the Americans wanted no part of that form of government ... The US government is based on the Greco-Romain (ancient Greek's and Romain's) forms of government ...
The anarchist.