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Q: Under whose intellectual guidance did the constitutional convention form a new government?
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What was the church of England like in the 1700's?

The church ruled supreme. Everyone was under its guidance and it was influential in government.

Did ancient rome have a theocratic government?

A theocracy is a government ruled by divine guidance or by a person considered to be divine. The Romans never considered their living rulers to be divine, but they certainly asked for divine guidance in their undertakings, both major and minor. The counsuls would look for omens before bringing up any important issues before the senate. The omens would always be taken before a battle. Omen readings and sacrifices would always accompany the dedication of a building, and so on. Thanksgiving was always given to some god or another after a success. On the basis of this evidence, one would have to say, yes, the Romans had a theocratic government.

What role did Benjamin Franklin play in making the constitution?

Benjamin Franklin was one of many delegates whose job was to think of ideas that should be implemented into the Constitution. He had many ideas like a single chambered legislature and an executive board rather than a president, but both ideas were never used. He was great at dissolving disputes and organizing compromise. Benjamin Franklin was 81 by the time of the Convention and fell asleep a lot, but his guidance was present nevertheless. Though he was not nearly as active in creating this new form of government as someone like James Madison, all of the delegates respected him, so as the person above said, he was great at settling disputes. In addition, most of Europe, especially Great Britain and France, knew of and respected Benjamin Franklin, thus giving the Convention validity to the rest of the world.

Why did the seljukes need to seek religious guidance from the Persian peoples they had conquered?

Seljuks need to seek religious guidance from the Persian-Seljuks had arrived in Southwest Asia basically illiterate, having to result to Persian subjects for both cultural & religious guidance.

Previous ruling in an earlier case providing guidance?

A previous ruling in an earlier case that provides guidance is known as a precedent. Precedent can be used as a noun or an adjective.

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What was drafted under the guidance of Eleanor roosevelt?

Geneva Convention

Why accounting theory in accounting convention usefull?

for guidance the accountants in a significant practises with using what should be utility as GAAP.

Which system gives each branch of government its own duties?

In general terms, nearly every governmental system gives particular duties to each branch of government within it. At the same time, 'constitutional' systems are rightly famous in respect to their careful delineation of distinct branches of government and the proper duties for each; for example, the American system provides very clear guidance on the duties for its judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government.

Who is responsible for providing contractors classification guidance?

Government Contracting Activity (GCA)

What has the author Neale Baxter written?

Neale Baxter has written: 'Federal Government Careers, 1985 Ed, Soft' 'Opportunities in counseling and development careers' -- subject(s): Counseling, Vocational guidance 'Opportunities in government careers' -- subject(s): Accessible book, States, Civil service positions, Vocational guidance, Local government 'Federal Government Careers, 1985 Ed, Hard' 'Opportunities in state and local government careers' -- subject(s): States, Civil service positions, Vocational guidance, Local government 'Opportunities in counseling and development' -- subject(s): Vocational guidance, Counseling, Educational counseling

What is the primary guidance for benefit-cost analysis in the federal government?

OMB Circular A-94

What is a Business Link?

Business Link was a government-funded business advice and guidance service in England

What are responsibilities of the government in education?

The responsibilities of the government in education is to oversee proper education is implemented. The government has policies in place on how to successfully delivery education within the school system and provide guidance.

What is nature and meaning of guidance?

The act or result of guiding; the superintendence or assistance of a guide; direction; government; a leading.

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What was the church of England like in the 1700's?

The church ruled supreme. Everyone was under its guidance and it was influential in government.

Who is responsible for providing proper classification guidance during performance of a contract?

Government Contracting Activity (GCA)